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What is the District Auditions Event? 

WMTA District Auditions gives students from grades 1-12 and adults an opportunity to play memorized pieces for an adjudicator and receive written comments for the student and teacher to review.  (There are also options that allow students to perform with their music.)  The student also takes a Musicianship Test (music theory and aural skill) that is appropriate for their age and skill level.  Points are earned by participating in both of these activities.  The points accumulate from year to year which results in students receiving incentive awards for continued improvement.  All teachers who enter students in district auditions are expected to volunteer in the planning of their District’s Audition and to attend on Auditions Day.

District Auditions are open to every WMTA teacher and their students.


The event is hosted and run by our local association with the oversight of the WMTA State Audition Board.  Rules and procedures are found on the state site. Click button

to link to the State website.   



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